Terms & Conditions


Any person making a booking on behalf of a passenger or group confirms that he/she has the authority of that passenger and each such passenger agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.


The person whose signature appears on the Booking Form is the person responsible for the whole of the fee he/she has undertaken to pay.


A 30% non refundable deposit will secure your booking, with the final balance to be met 3 months prior to your arrival, failure to do so could result in the loss of your booking.


Please make cheque payable to Scapa Flow Diving Holidays, sent to the above address, along with your signed Booking Form. For bank transfer please contact us for our bank details, sorry we do not accept credit card payments at the moment.


Please make sure you have adequate insurance. Customers have been known, due to unforeseen circumstances, to cancel all or part of their diving holiday. This is not something Scapa Flow Diving Holidays can be liable for and we recommend you take out adequate holiday insurance with this in mind, as a refund cannot be considered in this instance and any monies due for the charter will be collectable. If however owing to circumstances out of our control we cannot provide the charter booked or arrange an alternative, we will refund all monies paid to Scapa Flow Diving Holidays and the client will have no further claim against us.


M.V. INVINCIBLE carries a full 3rd party and passenger liability insurance and divers are reminded that this insurance does not cover them when diving or away from the boat.


It is the responsibility of all members of the Dive Charter Party to ensure that they are all physically fit, properly trained and certificated for the dive(s) they are undertaking and that they conduct themselves according to the Code of Practice for Safe Diving, before, during and after the dive(s).


Divers are responsible for discussing dive plans with the Skipper through a nominated representative.


Safety procedures must be observed at all times. The Skipper's decision on the day is final in all matters relating to the vessel and its tenders. Any instructions or advice given by the Skipper or Crew on matters of safety must be observed by all on board. While every effort will be made to ensure quality diving for our clients, we do not accept any responsibility for any circumstances outside our control, e.g.. tides, poor diving visibility or weather conditions. The skipper will terminate the dive or suggest an alternative whenever sea/weather conditions or forecasts are considered unsuitable.


Skipper and Crew shall not be responsible for any accident or injury caused to any person or persons arising out of diving or use of any diving equipment.


The Skipper is not responsible for warranting the safety of any wreck or dive site; marker lines or floats.


We shall not be liable for any death, injury or damage, loss, delay or irregularity, which may be caused by persons or conditions outside our control. We accept no responsibility for any losses or additional expense caused by delays in changes to transport or other services, strikes, war, weather or other causes.


Breakages, loss of equipment provided, or damage caused on board as a result of a passengers misbehaviour irresponsibility or carelessness, will be charged to the client.


We reserve the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time.


Website Terms & Conditions


Whilst every effort is made to ensure that information contained on our site is correct and up to date no responsibility or liability can be accepted for any loss or damage incurred as a result of relying on information contained within our website.


Copyright of all information and images within remains with Scapa Flow Diving Holidays.